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Bastl Instruments Popcorn - Non-linear CV SequencerCompact, but incredibly musical sequencer / ..
2HP Arp - ArpeggiatorThe 2hp Arp is a gate-driven arpeggiator with a multitude of chord types and pl..
Bastl Instruments 1983 - Polyphonic MIDI to CV InterfaceThe 1983 is a polyphonic MIDI to CV interfac..
Doepfer A-156 - Dual QuantizerDoepfer's A-156 is a Dual Control Voltage Quantizer. A quantizer conve..
Expert Sleepers Disting MK4The Expert Sleepers Disting MK4 is a many-in-1 multi-function module, off..
Instruo Harmonàig - Four Voice Voltage QuantiserHarmonàig | 'ha:meni | noun (musical tone) an o..
Instruo Saich - Quad OscillatorSaich | saix | noun (natural sciences) a number of animate things mas..
Make Noise René - 3D Cartesian SequencerThe René music synthesizer module is a powerful three-dimens..
Rossum Electro-Music Control Forge - Programmable Universal CV GeneratorControl Forge's core functio..
Rossum Electro-Music Mob Of Emus - Polyfunctional Harmonic SextetMob of Emus is a powerful music and..
Verbos Electronics Voltage Multistage - 8 Stage Analog SequencerThe Voltage Multistage is an 8 stage..