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Bastl Instruments Clutch - Quad Attenuator & Volume Pedal to CV InterfaceSimple but handy utilit..
Bastl Instruments Dup Dup - Dual Voltage Controlled FootswitchAdd stomp type of control to your modu..
Divkid Stereo Strip - Mixer ChannelStereo Strip takes the idea of a channel strip and makes it modul..
Doepfer A-119 - External Input / Envelope FollowerThe Doepfer A-119 External Input / Envelope Follow..
Expert Sleepers ES-9 - DC-coupled USB Audio InterfaceThe ES-9 is a Eurorack 16-in/ 16-out USB audio ..
Instruo Larachd - Input Utility Module| la:rexg | noun (vestige) a range of operation, a marked..
Joranalogue Receive 2 - Dual Balanced Line InputsWhile modular synthesizers are most often used as s..
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