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Instruo Scíon - Biofeedback Sensor Random Voltage GeneratorScíon | 'sAien | noun (biology) youn..
Joranalogue Contour 1 - Slew Limiter / Function GeneratorFor decades, the voltage controlled slew li..
Make Noise Function - Control Voltage Utility ModuleThe Function music synthesizer module is part of..
Make Noise MATHS - Function GeneratorThe MATHS music synthesizer module is an analog computer design..
Mannequins Just Friends - Manifold generator for navigating social contoursThe Mannequins Just Frien..
Rossum Electro-Music Control Forge - Programmable Universal CV GeneratorControl Forge's core functio..
Expected to ship first week of SeptemberVerbos Electronics Polyphonic Envelope - Quad Attack-Hold-De..
Verbos Electronics Voltage Multistage - 8 Stage Analog SequencerThe Voltage Multistage is an 8 stage..
Xaoc Devices Zadar - Quadruple Envelope Generator Model of 1973The Xaoc Devices Zadar is a powerful,..
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