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Bastl Instruments Popcorn - Non-linear CV SequencerCompact, but incredibly musical sequencer / ..
2HP TM - Turing MachineThe 2hp TM is a probabilistic random sequence generator based on the research..
Doepfer A-149-4 - Quad Triggered Random / Quantized VoltagesThe A-149-4 generates four triggered ran..
Expert Sleepers Disting MK4The Expert Sleepers Disting MK4 is a many-in-1 multi-function module, off..
Frap Tools Sapel - Tamed Random Sourcesapel / sa'pe:l / s.m. [dialect from the northern area of Mode..
Instruo Scíon - Biofeedback Sensor Random Voltage GeneratorScíon | 'sAien | noun (biology) youn..
Joranalogue Orbit 3 - Double-Scroll Chaos OscillatorIn everyday usage, 'chaos' means 'disorder', 'ra..
Make Noise Wogglebug - Random Voltage GeneratorThe Wogglebug music synthesizer module is a random vo..
Noise Engineering Clep Diaz - Step CV / LFO GeneratorThe Noise Engineering Clep Diaz is a handy and ..
Noise Engineering Mimetic Digitalis - CV SequencerThe Noise Engineering Mimetic Digitalis is a 10hp ..
Qu-Bit Electronix Bloom - Fractal SequencerBloom is a fractal sequencer capable of generating infini..
Rossum Electro-Music Mob Of Emus - Polyfunctional Harmonic SextetMob of Emus is a powerful music and..
Verbos Electronics Random SamplingRooted in the California modular tradition, the Random Sampling is..