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Expert Sleepers FH-2 Eurorack MIDI to CV Interface Module

SOLD OUT Expert Sleepers FH-2 Eurorack MIDI to CV Interface Module

Expert Sleepers FH-2 - USB / Midi Module

The Expert Sleepers FH-2 is a Eurorack module combining the following functions:

•           MIDI to CV conversion including polyphonic and MPE operation

                                        •           The FH-2 is simultaneously a USB MIDI host, a USB MIDI device and also supports traditional 5-pin DIN MIDI

                                        •           Support for drum triggers including triggers with velocity or accents

                                        •           Supporrt for automatic VCO calibration (similar to that in Silent Way)

•           Clock generation and synchronisation

                                        •           MIDI clock (in and out), analogue clock (in and out) or internal clock (BPM or tap tempo)

•           LFO generation, including tempo synced LFOs

•           Arpeggiators

•           Euclidean pattern generations

The FH-2 has 8 high precision CV outputs, expandable to 64 with the FHX-1 Output Expander. Up to 64 extra gate / trigger / clock outputs can also be added with the FHX-GT Gate Expander

The module can be completely configured via it's own user interface, but a convenient web-based configuration tool is also available here, which communicates with the module directly via MIDI SysEx.

Typical Usages

With a MIDI keyboard

Up to 16 note polyphonic conversion, with optional pitch / gate / velocity etc. CVs per note. Also features arpeggiation, keyboard splits and more.

With an MPE controller

Up to 16 simultaneous touches converted with full position / pressure / glide etc. per touch

With a Midi controller

Up to 64 outputs. Direct control of CVs from faders, flexible and syncable LFOs, triggers from pads etc.

With a 'groovebox'

Multiple clock outs at different divisions, run / stop triggers etc. Groovebox, FH-2 or another module can be the clock master.

With a compluter / tablet / phone

All of the above, plus Sys Ex for configuration of the FH-2

As a clock generator

The FH-2 can operate as the clocking centre of your modular, also generating (syncable) LFOs with no USB connection


•           8 outputs:

                    •           Digital to analogue conversion: 14 bit

                    •           Voltage range: software selectable between +/-5V, 0-10V

•           2 CV

•           USB host:

                    •           Type A connector

                    •           Class compliant USB MIDI host

                    •           Class compliant USB HID host (for mice, gamepads etc)

                    •           Supporrts USB hubs

•           USB device:

                    •           Type C connector

                    •           Class compliant USB MIDI device (plug'n'play with macOS, Windows, Linux and iOS)

•           Expansion:

                    •           Header for connecting FHX-1 or FHX-GT expanders

                    •           Header for 5-pin DIN MIDI via a compatible breakout

                    •           An FH-1 may also be used as an expander, over USB

•           1 rotary encoder control (with push button), 1 push button

•           0.91" OLED display


Max Depth:48mm
Power:+12V: +118mA

-12V: -48mA

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  • £245.00
  • Exc VAT: £204.17